Posted on August 13, 2011
we have been very quiet on the blog posts for a while now, don’t worry we haven’t disappeared or not found anything of interest to tell you about, but instead we’ve just been far too busy to update here. Hopefully we will change that after this weekend and show you some of the things we have been doing. Expect some updates on Kennys FrontMan project, which is looking great, a post from our newest team member Matt Martin looking into the world of zines, and some model tests for Profile by Kevin. We hope that the somewhat reluctant summer isn’t stopping you from making new work, projects and getting out and about with your cameras. Check back with us soon, GS.
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Posted on July 29, 2011
These images were shot at a recent test shoot at the studio. The lighting was kept really simple with a couple of softboxes and a beauty dish for nice soft even light.

Photography Beth Steddon, MUA Saffron Powell, Stylist Julianna Heale, Model Tori @ Strike Model Management
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Posted on July 28, 2011
With the summer starting to show it’s face (at last) we have some great courses running over the next few months to encourage and inspire your photography. Whether you are a novice to the world of digital SLRS or you are looking to expand your knowledge of Studio lighting, we run an excellent range of hands on courses.
Here’s just a small selection of the courses on offer, but for our full list click on this link.

You and Your DSLR - Sunday 14th August £85
Have you spent an age trying to work out your camera only to give up and put it on “auto”? Do you wish you had more control over the images you produce? This full day intensive course will teach you all the manual functions your camera has to offer and how to use them to create beautiful photographs every time.
Portraiture Course - Sunday 21st August £155
Exploring the work of seminal portrait photographers, this fantastic full day course will teach you not only the key principles involved in portraiture, but also the technical aspects of studio lighting, and ways of engaging with your subject to create captivating and engaging portraits.
Location Lighting Speedlight or Studio Lighting- Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th August £110 & £135
These two practical half day courses take place on location around Brighton. With either a choice of speedlight or studio lighting, you will learn the skills to balance natural and artificial light, find simple solutions to lighting problems using simple and multiple lights to create dramatic images in environmental settings.
For more information on these or any of the other courses we offer email or call us on
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Posted on July 26, 2011
LGVL is the collaborative platform founded by Brighton University graduates Lydia Garnett and Vic Lentaigne, to showcase their distinctive style of documentary photography. Their work explores the themes of fashion, youth culture, transition, sexuality and identity.

FACE promises to be an innovative view on contemporary portraiture, with an intimate exploration of identity and youth culture that remains signature to LGVL’s style. The exhibition opens with a private view at the Slaughterhouse on Thursday 28th July from 7-10pm and runs for a month.

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Posted on July 20, 2011

You may remember that Garage Studios in house photographer Kevin Mason shot for Brighton designer Jez Eaton last month, after her controversial catwalk show at Brighton Fashion Week. Her collection has been getting a lot of (well deserved) publicity lately, and this week has hit the spotlight in the Guardian online. Check out her interview here
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1 Comment
Posted on July 7, 2011
As Kevin Mason is currently driving round the states teaching and making pictures, Kenny McCracken stepped up to the plate to shoot for ASOS Marketplace traders Sugarhill Boutique at Garage Studios last week. Here are a few of the results.

Photographer: Kenny McCracken, Model: Katie @ strike, Lighting: Dave Imms
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Posted on July 1, 2011
Here’s some images and feedback from some of the students who took part in the workshops with Lou O Bedlam last weekend. We’d like to thank everyone that took part in the sessions for making then so enjoyable, and especially to Lou for his hard work, and his fantastic informative and laid back style of teaching.

Thanks for organising this workshop the 2nd time around. I missed it the first time and really really enjoyed and most importantly, learnt a lot from the workshop. Lou led the workshop well, and I appreciated the critique session. His honest comments about everyones photos helped learning from my own photos and others too.

Andrew Mwai

Andrew McConnochie
The workshop was an excellent opportunity to meet with a photographer whose work truly inspires me. It was great to hear first hand some of the thinking that goes into Lou’s work and to be challenged a bit on the quality of my own work. The mix of discussion, practical experience of shooting with models and then critiquing our efforts worked really well. I left the workshop with a renewed determination to find my own artistic approach to photography and I also picked up some practical tips on approaching a shoot. Lots of food for thought and lots of encouragement to create something that no one else would…DON’T BE GENERIC!!!! All in all it was an inspiring day

Colin Strain
Lou is great. He has a unique ability to say what technically amounts to very little yet at the same time managed to fill my mind with idea’s, inspiration and confidence. He feeds back in a positive manner. He doesn’t hold back but manages to phrase things in a way that didn’t appear to get anyone’s backs up. That’s a rare skill.
If you’d like mor information about the courses and workshops we run here at the studio. email or call on
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Posted on June 21, 2011
Following up to his ‘Butchers’ series, Dave Imms’ recent work involves pictures of squash players. He has photographed them immediately after playing a competitive game. It is called ‘Squash Players’.
“I want this set of images to be clinical but also resonate a sense of grit. I think a lot of that is done by the arena of the squash court with it’s hard lines and colourless walls, but it also comes from within the nothingness of the sitter. Simply, this person has nothing left to give.
There is something about the human condition that interests me. Not only is it the physical (sweat, aches and pains), but the mental…The things we put ourselves through in the name of leisure…”

You can see more of this, and more from Dave Imms HERE.
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Posted on June 17, 2011
The girls from Vintage Owl Boutique have had a busy summer so far. Not only have they been taking the Vintage fairs by storm, but they’ve also just joined the ASOS market place, not bad for a first year of trading. To celebrate their first birthday, they asked Garage Studios Shoot. All the clothes are original vintage pieces

Photography: Beth Steddon, Stylists: Jennie Davies and Cassie Heighton, MUA Gemma Wheatcroft, Hair: Alex Graham, Assistant: Bob Prosser
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Posted on June 16, 2011
Anticipation is brewing for the return of LA Photographer Lou O’Bedlam next weekend. Last years sessions were a resounding success and we are very much looking forward to once again hosting his talk and popular portrait masterclasses. Details of all the session can be found on this link

As it this wasn’t exciting enough, we are offering one place on the Sunday Advanced Portrait Masterclass, and one place on the Friday night talk absolutely FREE! All you need to do is retweet, or post this offer, and send a mail to before 4 pm today (Friday 17th), and we’ll pick the winners from a hat and contact them before the end of the day. It’s as simple as that.
For those of you who don’t win a place, we are also offering a 20% discount on both of these sessions to all bookings requested by 7 pm on Sunday night.
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